Friday 20 March 2015

New Native Plants for our gardens.

Riley went to his Grandmas last week. He helped with planting in her shade house.
Grandma gave Riley some native plants to gift to the school.
The Enviro Group can work out what kind of plants they are and decide on the best place to plant them.
Thanks Grandma Margret.



  1. Hi Riley
    This is so cool. I hope that you showed Grandma what a great Enviro Warrior you are!
    Can you bring your native plants on Monday for us to look at and then we can decide when and where to plant them.
    I wish Grandma could come and share her wonderful knowledge with our Enviro Group.
    Thanks Riley and Grandma Margret

  2. I am sure Grandma would love to come one day, she is CRAZY about plants and especially Natives.
