Sunday, 20 September 2015

BNZ Planting Day

We were so lucky to get some help from BNZ to help us plant in He Manu Whenua. Did you know the BNZ workers came to our school for a whole day instead of going to work at the bank?
Thank you BNZ, we really appreciate your help!
Look how beautiful our walkway is looking.

BNZ from Waipahihi School on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Enviro Creations

Waipahihi School is home to extremely creative, talented students! We celebrated Enviro Week by designing and making outfits, accessories and even statues made entirely from recycled goods. We showcased our designs in assembly this week. Check them out!
Can you guess what all the creations are made from? What recycled items do you have at home that you could reuse?

Enviro Creations 1 from Megan Fraser on Vimeo.

Enviro Creations 2 from Megan Fraser on Vimeo.